Evans Landscaping has been serving the communities of Anderson Township and Newtown for more than 30 years. During that time we’ve expanded to a number of locations around the Cincinnati area and each time we’ve made the landscape more beautiful than how we found it. In fact, in 2005 we received a beautification award from Anderson Township for outstanding landscape design; something we are very proud of.

Our diligence about creating and maintaining a pleasant, orderly appearance extends to all areas of our business, including our trucks and equipment. All of our equipment is kept in excellent repair—clean and well maintained.

Employees are Evans’ ambassadors and as such, we ask them to be courteous and fair with everyone they meet while on the job.


It is the policy of Evans Landscaping that all of our employees—operators, auto drivers, truck drivers, managers, supervisors and administration staff alike—treat our customers, community, suppliers and fellow employees with friendliness and respect.


  1. All employees will be aware of this policy.
  2. We will place signs at the entrance of all facilities that encourage our community to contact us with questions about our operations, products or land.
  3. We will place this policy on the Evans web site.
  4. We will supply a form for questions or concerns.
  5. We will respond promptly to questions and concerns.
  6. We will remind employees of this policy as needed.
  7. We will review this policy and these practices at the Evans management meetings.


We know we can count on all Evans employees to understand and follow this policy and these practices. We are committed to the concepts of the policy and implementing the practices in all of our business operations.

We want to remain a great employer, supplier and neighbor and so we always welcome your comments about our service. Please use the form below to submit comments, concerns or questions about our land, products and operations.

Thank you for your business. We look forward to continuing to serve our loyal customers, suppliers and the community for many more years.

Spring's coming, check out our mulch varieties!>>Learn More
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